I'm into all things related to firearms, tactical, hunting and hiking. We all know there's no shortage of high quality, high speed gear, but they usually come with a high price tag. Years ago I started my routine of every day carry (EDC) and had friends and associates who were doing the same. I'd show up with a $30.00 holster from E Bay, that did the exact same thing as their $150.00 holster, minus the ability to brag about how much it cost. I saw this pattern across the entire spectrum of handgun competition, precision rifle matches and hunting excursions. More than once my $650.00 Rock River Double Stack 9 mm has turned in better scores than ones that were shot with other high end handguns, yet I felt I needed the high end gun to fit in. More times than not, "Gucci" gear just wasn't in the cards for me or for many others, causing them to stay away from the firearm sports because they didn't have the latest, greatest gear.
Somewhere along my journey I noticed that if I did my research I was coming up with good, quality gear that was getting the job done. For example, one of my favorite knives is a Columbia River Knife and Tool M21. This knife is made using U.S. steel that runs around $70.00. CRKT also has knives that are considerably cheaper and I can only assume it's because it has a lower quality steel. My $70.00 model performs as well as much more expensive brands, plus I can have two or three for the price of one. All my knives at a minimum use U.S. made steel, never compromising for lower quality. Using the previous example, I've applied this approach across the spectrum of all my hobbies and pursuits, coming up with high quality, affordable gear and I'm hoping the research I conduct will greatly benefit each of You! One thing you'll always be able to count on with me, whether I buy the product or it's sent to me for review, you'll get an honest opinion of what I think and feel about it. Nothing will ever be water downed.
For every day carry I'll have on me a firearm with a spare magazine, a knife for defensive purposes and a secondary knife for opening packages or mail, or just cutting stuff. I also carry some sort of flashlight and I like to have an ink pen of steel or aluminum construction that can be used as Kubotan if I'm in an environment that's not friendly to knives or handguns. (Airports).
Youtube link to my Every Day Carry Items: Daily Concealed Carry Items
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